關於gun toy的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
I am too old to have played with Super Soakers, but my children loved these powerful water guns whe...
I am too old to have played with Super Soakers, but my children loved these powerful water guns whe...
I am too old to have played with Super Soakers, but my children loved these powerful water guns whe...
之前幫TOY GUN雜誌拍封面!大家都說我拿槍的感覺還蠻有味道的!分享一下吧!...
武裝JK 這套搭配的是 Vector 可以摺疊的槍托和方形槍身部分都滿特別的 注意到這把是因為阿能立...
給他一把雷射槍,按下去會發出「丟丟丟」的聲音。 他按下鍵,我假裝被射到,常常來個措手不及。 還要表演...
週三秀槍槍(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)人(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀) 這次是我的KW...
Went to visit my friend Clarence at his shop @ban...
Just picture..don’t worry ..it’s a toy gun ! ...
Just picture..don’t worry ..it’s a toy gun !...